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This Scientific-Based Approach Helps Reveal Exactly What You Need to Do to Melt Excess Fat, Become Yourself Again, and Regain Your Confidence....

An Open Letter To Any South African Struggling To Lose Weight:

If you struggle to maintain a healthy weight…


Or If you've hopped from diet to diet only to end up right back where you started...


Then this will be the most important book you'll ever read.


Here’s why:


This is the ONLY weight loss book on the planet written specifically for South Africans...

Unlike all the general weight loss books out there written mainly for Americans

This book will show you what you should be buying from your favorite supermarkets including:

✅ Woolworths

✅ Pick n Pay

✅ Checkers 

✅ Shoprite


And many more...

You'll know what brands to buy, what brands are secretly sabotaging your weight loss efforts and you’ll even get a range of safe options to order on Uber Eats.

And the best part is that they are all local, so you will be able to get these products anywhere.


But First, Read This Disclaimer:


Please understand my results are not typical. I’m not implying you’ll duplicate them (or do anything for that matter).


I have the benefit of being a weight loss coach and have been training for more than 13 years.


The average person who buys any “how to” information gets little to no results. I’m using these references for example purposes only.


Your results will vary and depend on many factors …including but not limited to your background, experience, and work ethic.


Weight loss requires consistent effort and action. If you're not willing to accept that, please DO NOT GET THIS BOOK AND WEIGHT LOSS CHALLENGE.

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Here's The Good News...

It is ABSOLUTELY POSSIBLE to lose weight without sacrificing your precious time, starving yourself, or missing out on life's little pleasures.


Because what I am about to share with you is based on the core fundamentals of weight loss rather than the latest shiny diet or exercise trend going round


If you're thinking, "Yeah, I've tried everything before..."


Keep reading, and let me show you why this is different, and how you can finally achieve your weight loss goals for good.

Yes, This Will Work For You...

You'll see real progress towards your weight loss goals, and have the energy to keep up with your daily responsibilities.


You can customize your weight loss plan to fit your lifestyle, so you never have to sacrifice time with family or friends.


Feel guilty for indulging in your favorite foods


Or spend hours exercising...


And the rewards are invaluable - even if you've tried everything out there or have never tried to lose weight before.


Getting started is easy, and I’ll teach you all the basics in my book.

My New Book Will Show You:

 What South African foods and snacks you should buying from Woolworths, Pick n Pay, Checkers, Spar and many more...  (Page 8)

 Create a healthier lifestyle that has the potential to change everything for you and your loved ones (Page 3)

​✅ Get your weight loss journey started from scratch, without requiring expensive gym memberships or personal trainers (Page 8)

 Learn the basics of creating a caloric deficit without needing to enroll in a formal weight loss program or counting every single calorie (Page 14)

​✅ Escape the vicious cycle of yo-yo dieting and finally achieve long-lasting weight loss success, without feeling deprived or restricted (Page 17)

 Prove to yourself and others that you are capable of making sustainable lifestyle changes and overcoming any obstacles that come your way (Page 19)

​✅ Maintain a healthy weight and a positive body image, even with a busy schedule and family responsibilities (Page 32)

✅ ​Find support and inspiration among the weight loss community, and connect with others who share your journey and goals (Page 45)

​✅ And so much more...

Hi, My Name Is Pran...


I used to struggle with my weight and spent countless hours at the gym without seeing results. But when I learned about the power of a caloric deficit, everything changed. By simply consuming fewer calories than my body burned, I was able to shed unwanted fat and achieve my desired physique.


Now, I want to share my knowledge with others who are struggling with their weight. That's why I've included everything you need to know about creating a sustainable caloric deficit and given you all the tools you need to see success in my book.

See What Others Are Saying:

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I'll Will Show You Why

losing weight with a caloric deficit is right for you:


You see, underlying any successful weight loss transformation is a calorie deficit.


Regardless of the diet that is being followed, whether it be keto, paleo, low-carb and so on...


To shed excess pounds, it's necessary to burn more calories than you consume.


It is as simple as that.


By simply consuming fewer calories than your body burns, you create sustainable, healthy weight loss.


But that's ONLY if you know how to:


CALCULATE your caloric deficit based on your unique body composition and weight loss goals - no more guessing or frustration...


CREATE a personalized meal plan that keeps you in a caloric deficit while still satisfying your taste buds...


STAY motivated and accountable with expert guidance and support every step of the way...


MAKE weight loss sustainable by learning the habits and mindset shifts necessary to keep the weight off for good...


And while there are several online calorie calculators available - half of them are inaccurate and the other half all give you different calculations 


Leaving you unsure where to begin…


And using the wrong numbers from the start can doom you before you even begin


Which is precisely why I have written this book…


It has clear explanations and the all necessary tools, for you to calculate an accurate caloric deficit for yourself without any confusion


I even show you how to sustain the deficit, what to eat and how much you should be eating.


And the best part? You don't need to cut out ANY foods from your diet.


That’s right, you can eat whatever you like and still see progress week after week


All you need is a willingness to make a commitment and follow exactly what this book tells you.


It is a step-by-step guide that eliminates any confusion and walks you through each step of the way.

So you could rely on inaccurate calculators on the internet, pay a personal trainer 5000 rands OR you could get this book for just R197.

Exactly What You're Getting:

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First of all, this is different from any other "weight-loss" book you've ever read. In this ebook I lay out a crystal clear roadmap guide for sustainable weight loss…no confusing “BS” or other fluff, only a step-by-step process to follow.


And it's easy to read.


At 68 pages you can read it in an afternoon.

And it comes with a grocery list, tracking sheet and weight loss challenge that will GUARANTEE you to lose 4-5 Kg's in the next 30 days.

Everything is laid out for you step by step..

All you have to do it follow along..

I'll Also Show You:

✅ Why a calorie deficit is a proven method for losing weight (and why it's more effective than fad diets or supplements)

 ​The science behind a calorie deficit and how it works in your body (including how to calculate your personal calorie needs)

​✅ How to create a sustainable calorie deficit that won't leave you feeling deprived or hungry

​✅ The benefits of losing weight through a calorie deficit (beyond just looking better in your clothes!)

​✅ How to track your progress and stay motivated on your weight loss journey (including tools and apps that can help)

​✅ The common misconceptions about calorie deficits and weight loss (and why they're not true)

​✅ The challenges you might face when trying to lose weight through a calorie deficit (and how to overcome them)

​✅ The importance of exercise and strength training when trying to lose weight through a calorie deficit

​✅ How to make healthy eating choices and meal planning easy and enjoyable (even if you're not a great cook)

​✅ The role of support and accountability in achieving your weight loss goals (and how to find the right community for you)

​✅ Why a sustainable approach to weight loss is better than quick fixes (and how to make healthy habits a permanent part of your lifestyle)

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​...and so much more!​

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Here's What To Do Next:

This book costs just R197, and you’ll get it right away as a download.


As soon as you place your order, you'll get an email with a link to download the book.


You'll be able to access it anywhere, immediately, whenever you want without having to lug around a hard copy or wait on the mail.


Oh, and in case you're wondering…

Yes, This WILL Work For You, Too!

This same process has helped hundreds of people in all different types of situations...


Busy professionals, older adults, people with eating disorders, medical conditions and high stress levels...doesn’t matter.


That’s because what you’ll be learning are tools based on the core principles of weight loss and if you don’t know how to navigate around the roadblocks you encounter, you'll find yourself right back where you started over and over again.

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The Cost Is Just R197..

But How Much Would It Cost NOT To Get It?

It depends if you want to measure it in happiness, money or time.


Certainly the happiness you would experience from returning to your best self far outweighs this investment.


The self that you were before you gained all this excess weight and lost your way and your confidence.


If we were to measure it financially, the answer is obviously “substantially more” whether we think about the cost of health problems, higher insurance premiums or both.


And whether you think about the time that has already been lost or the countless years ahead of more of the same shame, guilt and low self-esteem filled days and nights, isn’t it worth taking this small chance that you can create the body and life you’ve always longed for?


So, right about now you might be thinking “this sounds too good to be true” but rest assured…

There is no catch?

I've decided to give you this entire book, for just R197, so you can see for yourself how quickly it will transform your body and put an end to the frustration, anxiety, and maybe even guilt you've been feeling.


I’ve packed as much value as possible into this little book with the hope that you’ll love it, get amazing results and maybe even want to do more coaching with me down the road.


And lastly, even though I’m immediately sending you a copy of the book...




Of course there's a full money-back guarantee.


In fact, it’s…

The Boldest Guarantee In The World

I 100% Guarantee you'll absolutely love this book or I'll return your R197 and let you keep the book and bonuses anyway.


That's right. You don't even have to send anything back. Just email and I'll give you back your R197 with no questions asked.


How's that for fair?

You Don’t Have To Wait Any Longer Or Try To Figure This Out On Your Own

Click the button below to order your copy today so you can discover what’s truly possible for your career (and family).


I appreciate you taking the time to read this letter, and I hope this book changes everything for you and your family!

P.S. In case you're one of those people (like me) who just skip to the end of the letter, here's the deal:


I'm offering you a 68-page book that walks you through how to sustainably lose weight whilst enjoying all your favorite foods.

All you pay is a measly R197. 

That's less than the price of a takeout meal


(And the exact price it would cost if I were to print up a physical copy, stuff it in a padded envelope and then mail it out to you.) 


***** I'm also giving you 3 FREE bonuses below. These bonuses are normally R997 each, but it's yours today for FREE when you order the digital book *****


I'm giving it to you as a gift because I want you to implement what you learn in the book immediately.


This is a very limited offer because I'm running a marketing test. If I'm not able to cover my advertising costs, then I'll take this book down. 


There is no "catch" to this offer. You will not be signing up for any "trial" to some monthly program or anything like that.


In fact, if you don't like the book let me know and I'll even give you back your R197.

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Get Your Digital Copy Today for Just R197 and You’ll Also Get These FREE Bonuses:


Want to get 100's of meal ideas and exact recipes based on the ingredients you have in your fridge?


Sometimes, it can be a challenge to figure out what to cook with the limited ingredients you have at home. It's hard to come up with creative ideas that will satisfy everyone's tastes.


That's why I'm including this bonus:


The Mealtime Secret Weapon.

Inside, I'll show you how to use technology to quickly generate meal ideas based on the ingredients in your fridge, so you that don't have to think about what to cook for the entire week.


Included At NO EXTRA COST With Your Order Today.

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Get support the entire way.  My goal is for you to lose your next 5 kgs - 30 days after reading this book.

That's why I have added in my 30 day weight loss challenge, which will show you everything you need to know.


You'll know what to eat and how much you should be eating to reach this goal. It's all done for you step-by-step so you don't have to figure it out on your own.


Just follow the instructions and if you don't lose at least 5kg's in the next 30 days - you will get a refund. 

Included At NO EXTRA COST With Your Order Today.


Prefer to learn by video?


I love that too! Order now and I’ll include video tutorials showing you how exactly to create a caloric deficit using real life examples.


Listen on any device and download instructions are included.


This video tutorial is normally R997, it's yours today for FREE when you order the digital book.


Get the Book Risk-Free!

100% Money-Back Guarantee

Again, when you order today, you’re protected by my no-questions-asked Money-Back Guarantee.


If you’re not satisfied with the book and all of the bonuses listed above for ANY REASON (or no reason at all)...


…just let me know with a quick email and I’ll refund 100% of your purchase ASAP.. today for just R197.

Are You Ready to Start Sustainably Losing Weight?

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​​​​​​✅ Get the step-by-step framework for creating a caloric deficit using a "simple equation"

​✅ You don’t need to do this alone (and you shouldn’t) so I’ll show you how to build a support system so you won’t regress into the “old you”…

​​✅ I’ll show what to eat and how much you should be eating so that you don't have to figure it out all alone…

​✅ You’ll even get examples of 5-minute meals​ as well as a step-by-step plan that makes it easy to come up with what to cook everyday of the week (it’s actually automated)...

​✅ Get 3 FREE Bonuses When You Order Today - Including Reconnexting Secret Weapon: How to Use Technology to Find Meal Ideas for You and the audiobook...

​✅ And much, much more.


Get the Book + Bonuses Today for Just R197

Weight Loss for South Africans is available for a one-time payment of just R197.


You get the digital book + all of the bonuses listed above.

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